
Monday, 31 December 2018

Acupuncture and Pain Treatment with Dry Needles

When we experience severe pain, the first thing that comes to our mind is to drink painkillers. But there is in the arsenal of doctors there is a method of relief of acute pain, which does not use drugs, although it was discovered during their use.


It is concluded that the effect of acupuncture by the method of "dry needles" was discovered at the end of the last century and in a somewhat unexpected way: when a needle was inserted for anesthesia, it was noticed that a positive effect occurs even before the introduction of the anesthetic. The experimenters tried to give up drug therapy altogether and inject the needle into the sore spot. It turned out that it works!


The Acupuncture Doctors Delhi explained it this way: when a needle destroys a muscle fiber at the injection site, a substance that has an analgesic effect is released. And if the needle is inserted directly into the sore point, the so-called trigger, then the muscle fiber is overexcited with its subsequent relaxation. By the way, this is why an indicator of a correctly inserted needle is often the initial convulsive response of overstressed muscle fibers.


Acupuncture by the method of "dry needles" began to be actively used, and it soon became clear that not every pain could be removed this way, but only that which occurs in myofascial syndromes. This condition occurs during chronic muscle overload. But it can occur in any person, and because of everyday and routine things: because of the usual irregular posture (which, in particular, is a long sitting at a desk, at a computer, driving) or because, for example, a person is used to carrying a heavy bag on only one shoulder.


In myofascial syndrome, a painful shortened part of the muscle arises in the form of a round or spindle seal, which, in turn, pulls and strains all the other muscle fibers and creates pain impulses. This is the trigger (pain point) where the needle is inserted.

At first, standard injection needles were used in Acupuncture Delhi (thanks to this, the method got its unusual name). Over time, ordinary needles were replaced with acupuncture needles, which almost did not hurt the soft tissues due to their tip shape and needle diameter, but the effect of relaxing the trigger from them is the same. But, despite borrowing a tool, acupuncture itself according to the dry needles method is not related to classical acupuncture. He has an entirely different theoretical base, it is based on neurophysiology, while the technique of reflexology works according to the canons of traditional Chinese medicine.


If the procedure is done correctly, the pain syndrome (trigger) will disappear. So, a pre-procedure is usually not required. All further collaboration of the osteopath and the patient should be aimed at eliminating the mechanisms that led to the appearance of pain. On the patient’s side, the usual patterns of movement will need to be changed, and the task of the osteopath will be to help rehabilitate the patient. In this case, osteopathy is one of the best methods that will help relieve tension, restore balance in the body and harmonize the work of all organs and systems of the patient.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Acupuncture For Osteochondrosis Of The Cervical Spine

Acupuncture has been used successfully to relieve pain. It is also considered an alternative to conventional medical treatments for various diseases. Acupuncture is successfully used in osteochondrosis. Acupuncture is an ancient technique that originated in China about two and a half thousand years ago, before our era. In our country and the countries of the West about this technique became known only in the seventies of the last century.

Acupuncture for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is now considered the safest and most effective procedure. Therefore, people suffering from osteochondrosis are extremely interested in the question: “Is it possible to get rid of acute and aching pain in the joints in osteochondrosis? According to the statements of the country's leading doctors, this is not at all difficult.

The painstaking research and experiments on the human body allowed Eastern sages to create unique acupuncture - by acting on certain points with needles, they managed to restore the balance of Qi energy in the body. As for the principle of this procedure, the doctors and scientists of the whole modern world still cannot explain it.

The therapeutic effect of acupuncture in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and other diseases of the spine is based on irritation of skin receptors (biologically active points) associated with the activity of certain organs and systems. This effect is special thin needles. Acupuncture, just like any other medical procedure, comes with its own indications and contraindications. An indication for acupuncture in osteochondrosis is the presence of pain and a restriction of the function of the spine. The Acupuncture Delhi Doctor determines the points that should be stimulated to achieve a therapeutic effect, and assigns a number of procedures.

Contraindications to acupuncture: To perform acupuncture for cervical osteochondrosis, special needles, sharp and thin, are used. A doctor trained in special courses in this method conducts this procedure either manually or using a special electrical apparatus. This manipulation fuels the circulation of energy, restoring the balance. Low frequency current is sometimes used to enhance the effect.

Acupuncture is often used because of its analgesic action. Acupuncture for spinal diseases has proven to be a very effective method, and the feedback on the results is impressive. There is not a single person who would not notice an improvement in the condition after this procedure. Acupuncture Delhi allows you to relieve pain when radiculitis or pinching the nerve roots, as it has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. This method of treatment has practically no serious contraindications and severe side effects, as a medication. Acupuncture is considered the most benign treatment option osteochondrosis.

Acupuncture successfully cope with the elimination of this disease. Already after the first session, blood circulation in the cervical spine increases. This reduces pain and makes the cervical vertebrae more mobile. The correct effect on the thoracic region with very thin needles allows for the rapid elimination of the pain symptom, which is inevitable when the cartilage and joints of this region are deformed. Such measures provide full restoration of human health.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

3 Steps to Find the Best Acupuncture Doctor

Choosing an acupuncturist is quite a task indeed. This is because of the unique nature of treatment involved. Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine which originated in China. In fact, it has been practiced in China for several centuries now. The effectiveness of the method has meant that it has gained in popularity in almost every nook and corner of the world. Take the case of Delhi, where you can find dozens of acupuncture doctors. In fact, Acupuncture in Delhi could be counted among the most popular types of healthcare systems. However, the large number of Acupuncture Doctors in Delhi is also what makes choosing one seem like such a daunting task. Here are some simple steps that will help you find the one best suited to your needs.

Do some research
The first thing that you need to do is to do some research. Go online and search for clinics in the city. Once you have made a choice of a few clinics, which you feel would be good, make sure that you visit them. This is important because acupuncture is unique. This type of treatment involves using sharp needles that are placed on strategic parts of the body based on the particular ailment being treated. Since it involves using needles, you need to see that the clinic is following strict hygiene and safety standards. Now, this is something that you can do by surfing websites. You have to visit clinics in person to ascertain yourself. See for any needles lying carelessly or signs of any blood stains on the floor. if you do so, then move on to the next clinic. Cleanliness is the buzzword that we are talking about here. An acupuncture clinic should be spotlessly clean and be setting the standards in hygiene.

Choose an experienced practitioner
Make it a point to choose an experienced practitioner. In fact, as soon as you enter any clinic, this is the first thing that you need to ask. Find out about the total number of years of experience the particular acupuncturist has and then make your choice. Remember, this system of medicine involves putting lots of hard work over a period of time. The skills don’t get sharpened overnight. An acupuncturist must have put in solid efforts. You must also never make the mistake of choosing a clinic just because they charge less. Remember, you are dealing with your health here and there should be no compromise on any front.

Right qualification
Another thing that you need to check before you choose an acupuncturist is the qualification. You can also find out about the various top universities and colleges that are offering programs in the subject through a simple online search. Based on your research you can prepare a list of reputable places from where one can learn acupuncture. Keep the list with you when you visit Acupuncture Doctors so that you can check whether they have studied in any of the places in the list. This is one of the key steps involved in the selection process.

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss with Chinese Medicine

During the last years, several studies, articles, and books about the effectiveness of acupuncture and Chinese plants when losing weight and maintaining the line have been published. But until now no one has focused on losing weight after delivery. Now that the effectiveness of Chinese medicine for fertility and delivery induction is finally known, practitioners of Chinese medicine have the opportunity to continue treating these women after childbirth.

During pregnancy and after delivery, many women worry about Losing the Pregnancy Weight as soon as possible. During pregnancy, losing weight is contraindicated, but if necessary, if you can apply some techniques to control pressure during this period. Besides, mothers can be educated about the safest and most effective ways to lose weight after childbirth. The practitioner in Chinese medicine should inform the mother how to lose weight in a healthy way and little by little so as not to harm her health or that of the nursing baby.

In childbirth, most mothers lose about 4.5kg: the baby, the placenta, and the amniotic fluid. Breastfeeding contributes to the uterus contracting, which will mean more weight loss. And generally, during the first weeks after delivery, the mother spontaneously loses between 2 and 4 kg of fluids through sweating and urine. According to Chinese medicine, this release of fluids is classified as a pathological fluid loss (Yin).

After the eighth week after delivery, the weight loss should not exceed 1-2 kg per month. Losing more weight may mean a decrease in milk production and, therefore, inadequate nutrition for the infant. It may also lead to health problems in the mother, since people who lose weight very quickly, usually recover it and even overcome it, while people who lose weight slowly tend to stay.

Some research shows that Acupuncture Treatment Delhi helps reduce body mass by 8-10% in six months. Apart from acupuncture, seeds may also be used in the auricular points, which will continue to work for two weeks. But, ordinarily, new mothers are very busy and cannot visit an acupuncturist. Therefore, the Chinese medicine professional should advise the new mother to eat healthily and perform physical activities (walking, climbing stairs, cooking, gym, etc.).

Chinese medicine professionals have used acupuncture, herbal medicine, and Chinese dietetics to improve the health of nursing mothers for thousands of years. The need to lose weight is a very current phenomenon caused by the epidemic of obesity that has spread in developed countries.

And unfortunately, many mothers feel obliged, thanks to the media, to lose the weight they have gained during pregnancy. This pressure causes frustration that can lead to stasis of Qi Liver. And the stasis of Qi Liver is a common syndrome that is treated in weight loss, and that will also contribute to difficulties in breastfeeding.

Acupuncture treatment Delhi can help nursing mothers in many aspects; we can apply acupuncture, auriculotherapy, Chinese dietetics and exercises such as Tai Chi to improve the quality of life of mothers and newborns.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

6 Solid Tips to Choose an Acupuncturist

If you have not been to an acupuncturist before, then choosing one can be a difficult task. You have decided to opt for a different type of treatment, something that is not very common. This being the case, there is no point in blaming you for to being able to decide upon the right clinic. After all you don’t know what is in store for you. The only thing that perhaps you know is that the practitioner will be inserting several needles into different parts of your body.

The best way to go about the process is to choose someone who is experienced in the line. If you were to search for Acupuncture Doctors in Delhi, you will find several who are well experienced. Here are some more solid tips that will help you choose the right acupuncturist.

Find out the qualification

This is the first thing that you need to look for in an acupuncturist. You can directly ask the acupuncturist about his or her education. You can also ask them for their certification. Just check if the certification is a genuine one from a top university. A top university’s endorsement will give you peace of mind, as you undergo your treatment.

Choose an experienced acupuncturist

Always choose an experienced acupuncturist. This is because it is a fairly complex type of medicine. Each patient has to come for several sittings. Above this there is also the issue of needles being inserted. What all this means is that it is always preferable to go in for the services of an experienced acupuncturist. Never ever make the mistake of going in for someone who is offering his or her services dirt cheap. Chances are that they may not be in a position to offer you proper treatment.

Will they suit you?

Remember, not all acupuncturists are created equal. There are many who are trained to treat only certain conditions. It is therefore important that you visit an acupuncturist who is an expert in treating your particular condition. You can also ask them about a few of their earlier case studies treating similar conditions.

Type of acupuncture

Not many people know that there are different types of acupuncture/ Apart from the most popular traditional Chinese acupuncture, there is the Korean style, Japanese acupuncture, etc., certain specific types of acupuncture are known to be more effective in treating specific conditions. It is therefore in your best interests that you ask the practitioner the kind of acupuncture he or she is offering.

How many sittings?

Unlike the case with other conventional medicine, in Acupuncture the patient needs to visit the practitioner often. It all depends on your symptoms. You could even be visiting the practitioner for weeks together. It is therefore for this reason it is recommended that you choose a practitioner near your place so that travelling becomes easier.

Find out the charges

The fee of an acupuncturist would usually depend on their experience. The city in which they are practising also does have an influence. Someone in Delhi for instance will definitely be charging more than someone in Kanpur or Lucknow. In your first visit to the practitioner find out whether they would be charging for the initial treatment or for subsequent sittings too.


Monday, 19 February 2018

Sexual dysfunctions and acupuncture

Acupuncture in Delhi is useful in the treatment of sexual dysfunction for the forms that have a prevalent correlation with the stress suffered by the patient. Acupuncture is the stimulation of coetaneous areas defined by traditional Chinese medicine for therapeutic purposes. It is a medical act appreciated by patients for the high biological tolerability. Sexual dysfunction is a frequent cause of suffering because it interferes with the relationship life and the inner evolution of the individual.

Human sexuality is a particular expansion concerning those behaviors that are also common to the mammal, because it regards, on the one hand, acts aimed at procreation, but also those related to recreation. By recreation, we mean the search for personal and couple growth through pleasure. The sexuality of the mammal is instead characterized by ritualized behaviors that express a mere procreative purpose.

Human sexuality performs biological tasks towards the species and the individual, while that of the mammal is a simple service for the continuity of the species. The complex and variegated expression of the dysfunction of correlated stress sexuality depends on ambivalence typical of the human being between recreation and procreation.

Interference between social organization, religion, politics and sexual dysfunction invests the human being with a severe burden that weighs on reproductive physiology. The dysfunction of sexuality in the human being, therefore, assumes greater importance and frequency than is observed in the animal kingdom. Sexual dysfunction, therefore, belongs to emerging diseases.

Sexual physiology can certainly be compromised by organic diseases and in particular those of a chronic degenerative nature. Vascular diseases, diabetes, the metabolic syndrome or endocrine diseases are the ones that most interfere with the dysfunction of sexuality. Equally frequently, however, sexual dysfunction is observed as part of the adaptive stress syndrome for the reasons above.

Acupuncture is a therapy that is also suitable for modulating the neurovegetative system. The correct relationship between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic system is fundamental to contain the multiple adaptive responses to stress. In case of irritability of the neurovegetative, all the functional and hormonal feedback is affected.

Therefore the therapy of sexual stress-related dysfunction benefits from acupuncture. A correct diagnostic phase precedes each treatment to correctly include patients who suffer from those disorders of sexual dysfunction for which the method is indicated.

Acupuncture helps to reduce the need for medications systemically and is an instrument within a therapy of which it forms part, but does not replace. Acupuncture is prescribed and applied by an experienced doctor. Acupuncture does not oppose or replace the guidelines of conventional medicine but establishes a good synergy with them.

Acupuncture is a therapy tool used to treat patients with no significant side effects. Other remedies can be associated with treatment by exploiting the synergies between different forms of care advantageously. The correct technique requires the acupuncturist to have a profound knowledge of the subject to be able to prescribe the therapy. Evaluation of interactions with other forms of therapy and their need for the patient is also the task of the Acupuncture Specialist Mumbai.