
Monday, 19 February 2018

Sexual dysfunctions and acupuncture

Acupuncture in Delhi is useful in the treatment of sexual dysfunction for the forms that have a prevalent correlation with the stress suffered by the patient. Acupuncture is the stimulation of coetaneous areas defined by traditional Chinese medicine for therapeutic purposes. It is a medical act appreciated by patients for the high biological tolerability. Sexual dysfunction is a frequent cause of suffering because it interferes with the relationship life and the inner evolution of the individual.

Human sexuality is a particular expansion concerning those behaviors that are also common to the mammal, because it regards, on the one hand, acts aimed at procreation, but also those related to recreation. By recreation, we mean the search for personal and couple growth through pleasure. The sexuality of the mammal is instead characterized by ritualized behaviors that express a mere procreative purpose.

Human sexuality performs biological tasks towards the species and the individual, while that of the mammal is a simple service for the continuity of the species. The complex and variegated expression of the dysfunction of correlated stress sexuality depends on ambivalence typical of the human being between recreation and procreation.

Interference between social organization, religion, politics and sexual dysfunction invests the human being with a severe burden that weighs on reproductive physiology. The dysfunction of sexuality in the human being, therefore, assumes greater importance and frequency than is observed in the animal kingdom. Sexual dysfunction, therefore, belongs to emerging diseases.

Sexual physiology can certainly be compromised by organic diseases and in particular those of a chronic degenerative nature. Vascular diseases, diabetes, the metabolic syndrome or endocrine diseases are the ones that most interfere with the dysfunction of sexuality. Equally frequently, however, sexual dysfunction is observed as part of the adaptive stress syndrome for the reasons above.

Acupuncture is a therapy that is also suitable for modulating the neurovegetative system. The correct relationship between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic system is fundamental to contain the multiple adaptive responses to stress. In case of irritability of the neurovegetative, all the functional and hormonal feedback is affected.

Therefore the therapy of sexual stress-related dysfunction benefits from acupuncture. A correct diagnostic phase precedes each treatment to correctly include patients who suffer from those disorders of sexual dysfunction for which the method is indicated.

Acupuncture helps to reduce the need for medications systemically and is an instrument within a therapy of which it forms part, but does not replace. Acupuncture is prescribed and applied by an experienced doctor. Acupuncture does not oppose or replace the guidelines of conventional medicine but establishes a good synergy with them.

Acupuncture is a therapy tool used to treat patients with no significant side effects. Other remedies can be associated with treatment by exploiting the synergies between different forms of care advantageously. The correct technique requires the acupuncturist to have a profound knowledge of the subject to be able to prescribe the therapy. Evaluation of interactions with other forms of therapy and their need for the patient is also the task of the Acupuncture Specialist Mumbai.

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