During the last years, several
studies, articles, and books about the effectiveness of acupuncture and Chinese
plants when losing weight and maintaining the line have been published. But
until now no one has focused on losing weight after delivery. Now that the
effectiveness of Chinese medicine for fertility and delivery induction is
finally known, practitioners of Chinese medicine have the opportunity to
continue treating these women after childbirth.
During pregnancy and after
delivery, many women worry about Losing the Pregnancy Weight as soon as
possible. During pregnancy, losing weight is contraindicated, but if necessary,
if you can apply some techniques to control pressure during this period.
Besides, mothers can be educated about the safest and most effective ways to
lose weight after childbirth. The practitioner in Chinese medicine should
inform the mother how to lose weight in a healthy way and little by little so
as not to harm her health or that of the nursing baby.
In childbirth, most mothers lose
about 4.5kg: the baby, the placenta, and the amniotic fluid. Breastfeeding
contributes to the uterus contracting, which will mean more weight loss. And
generally, during the first weeks after delivery, the mother spontaneously
loses between 2 and 4 kg of fluids through sweating and urine. According to
Chinese medicine, this release of fluids is classified as a pathological fluid
loss (Yin).
After the eighth week after
delivery, the weight loss should not exceed 1-2 kg per month. Losing more
weight may mean a decrease in milk production and, therefore, inadequate
nutrition for the infant. It may also lead to health problems in the mother,
since people who lose weight very quickly, usually recover it and even overcome
it, while people who lose weight slowly tend to stay.
Some research shows that Acupuncture Treatment Delhi helps
reduce body mass by 8-10% in six months. Apart from acupuncture, seeds may also
be used in the auricular points, which will continue to work for two weeks.
But, ordinarily, new mothers are very busy and cannot visit an acupuncturist.
Therefore, the Chinese medicine professional should advise the new mother to
eat healthily and perform physical activities (walking, climbing stairs,
cooking, gym, etc.).
Chinese medicine professionals
have used acupuncture, herbal medicine, and Chinese dietetics to improve the
health of nursing mothers for thousands of years. The need to lose weight is a
very current phenomenon caused by the epidemic of obesity that has spread in
developed countries.
And unfortunately, many mothers
feel obliged, thanks to the media, to lose the weight they have gained during
pregnancy. This pressure causes frustration that can lead to stasis of Qi
Liver. And the stasis of Qi Liver is a common syndrome that is treated in
weight loss, and that will also contribute to difficulties in breastfeeding.
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