
Monday, 31 December 2018

Acupuncture and Pain Treatment with Dry Needles

When we experience severe pain, the first thing that comes to our mind is to drink painkillers. But there is in the arsenal of doctors there is a method of relief of acute pain, which does not use drugs, although it was discovered during their use.


It is concluded that the effect of acupuncture by the method of "dry needles" was discovered at the end of the last century and in a somewhat unexpected way: when a needle was inserted for anesthesia, it was noticed that a positive effect occurs even before the introduction of the anesthetic. The experimenters tried to give up drug therapy altogether and inject the needle into the sore spot. It turned out that it works!


The Acupuncture Doctors Delhi explained it this way: when a needle destroys a muscle fiber at the injection site, a substance that has an analgesic effect is released. And if the needle is inserted directly into the sore point, the so-called trigger, then the muscle fiber is overexcited with its subsequent relaxation. By the way, this is why an indicator of a correctly inserted needle is often the initial convulsive response of overstressed muscle fibers.


Acupuncture by the method of "dry needles" began to be actively used, and it soon became clear that not every pain could be removed this way, but only that which occurs in myofascial syndromes. This condition occurs during chronic muscle overload. But it can occur in any person, and because of everyday and routine things: because of the usual irregular posture (which, in particular, is a long sitting at a desk, at a computer, driving) or because, for example, a person is used to carrying a heavy bag on only one shoulder.


In myofascial syndrome, a painful shortened part of the muscle arises in the form of a round or spindle seal, which, in turn, pulls and strains all the other muscle fibers and creates pain impulses. This is the trigger (pain point) where the needle is inserted.

At first, standard injection needles were used in Acupuncture Delhi (thanks to this, the method got its unusual name). Over time, ordinary needles were replaced with acupuncture needles, which almost did not hurt the soft tissues due to their tip shape and needle diameter, but the effect of relaxing the trigger from them is the same. But, despite borrowing a tool, acupuncture itself according to the dry needles method is not related to classical acupuncture. He has an entirely different theoretical base, it is based on neurophysiology, while the technique of reflexology works according to the canons of traditional Chinese medicine.


If the procedure is done correctly, the pain syndrome (trigger) will disappear. So, a pre-procedure is usually not required. All further collaboration of the osteopath and the patient should be aimed at eliminating the mechanisms that led to the appearance of pain. On the patient’s side, the usual patterns of movement will need to be changed, and the task of the osteopath will be to help rehabilitate the patient. In this case, osteopathy is one of the best methods that will help relieve tension, restore balance in the body and harmonize the work of all organs and systems of the patient.

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