How does it Work?
Acupuncture stimulates the specific anatomical points
of the body, also known as acupoints and acupuncture points. By stimulating
these points, it improves the overall function of the body and effectively
promotes the process of self-healing. The most common method used in
acupuncture is the insertion of fine, sterile needles to the affected part(s)
and healing is promoted through heat, pressure, or electrical stimulation.
Other techniques used in acupuncture are cupping, heat therapy, moxibustion,
manual massage, and application of ligaments, and herbal remedies.
What is the Process of Acupuncture?
If you are residing in Delhi, you can seek an
appointment at one of the experienced and well-trained Acupuncture Doctors in Delhi.
Otherwise, there are numerous professionals in other parts of India as well.
Your acupuncturist will ask you to explain your basic details, history, and
problems etc. Then, he/she will check your pulse, blood pressure, examine your
tongue’s color, shape, and coating.
The doctor might perform some other physical
examinations according to your health and problems. After completing all the
necessary examination, the acupuncturist will ask you to lay down comfortably
on the treatment table. Precise acupoints will be stimulated in various body
parts, and then fine, sterile needles are gently placed around the affected
Most of the people feel no or minimal when needles
are placed. The needles are placed for about 10 to 30 minutes depending on the
severity of your problem. You will feel very relaxed during and after the whole
What Conditions are Commonly Treated?
Acupuncture has been successfully treating a large
number of diseases and abnormal conditions like allergic rhinitis, nausea,
vomiting, renal colic, biliary colic, knee pain, low back pain, hypertension,
hypotension, dysentery, diarrhea, depression, biliary colic, arthritis,
malposition of fetus, dentistry pain, morning sickness and a lot more.
How to Get Training for Acupuncture?
There are so many acupuncture study and training
centers in Delhi as well as other cities of India. You can enroll for the
training according to your comfort and interests. Make sure to choose a
quality, a well-established training center for proper training with complete
theoretical studies, all the required techniques, and most importantly, the
practical knowledge.
Before finalizing the Acupuncture Training Centre in
Delhi, you need to keep every single point in mind. Enquire properly
about the affiliation of the center, its study methods, the infrastructure of
the classes, number and quality of the faculty, laboratories for clinical
experiments etc.