
Friday, 18 November 2016

Why should you trust Acupuncture therapy? Here are all the reasons!

They say one must keep trying new things. Well, when it comes to wellness, we must, once in a while, go back in time and pick some gems from the ancient medicine. Wondering what we are talking about? We are talking about acupuncture therapy – the gift of ancient Chinese medicine that is now trusted and used to heal various kinds of pain in human body. Not only that, it is now being considered to heal the mind, too. As the whole world talks about this amazing alternative way to heal, it is normal to have questions and doubts. What is it about acupuncture therapy that makes it so popular and trusted? Why are there so many acupuncture training centres in India? How come so many patients are swearing by it? Don’t wonder for there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of it.

Our body knows how to heal
Many times we forget that our body is a miraculous piece of work. It is self-sufficient to a good extent. This brings us to a very important point, one that is at the root of acupuncture therapy – our body knows very well how to heal. Every single body is laced with ‘acupoints’. These points when stimulated can lead us to recovery, a holistic recovery that not only drives away pain but also makes room for wellness and good thoughts. That is how they heal in acupuncture academies – by using the body’s natural healing energy. There are no side effects whatsoever, no surprises that you should be worried about. All you need to do is focus on getting better.

Free flowing energy is the answer
It sounds like a far-fetched concept to many but it has been proven that our body has energy centres that are scattered across its length. As long as these energy centres operate without disruption, all goes well. However the second the flow is hindered, pain begins to enter the body and if we don’t act soon, it settles in. That is why it is said that we need to act without wasting any time. Even the slightest of pain in the neck or stiffness in the back shouldn’t be ignored. Our body takes so much for us and the least we can do is be alert and careful so that it stays fit and well.

Expect wonders with acupuncture therapy
It is said that acupuncture therapy works for people of all age groups. Of course, some factors need to be taken into consideration, like allergies, injuries and any existing pain. It is noteworthy that there are so many patients who have benefited immensely from this truly amazing therapy. They have got results that they weren’t even expecting. That is the reason, many health experts have gone ahead and declared acupuncture therapy a great treatment for mind-related problems, too. So, it not just spondylitis or tennis elbow that can be healed but even digestion-related and sleep-related problems!

Should you have more questions, just find time and walk into an acupuncture centre close to you. Have a speedy healing!

Friday, 22 July 2016

Try acupuncture and save a life!

Yes, that is exactly what will happen when you embrace acupuncture in order to cure any family member of any chronic ailment that he or she may be facing. Once a disease gets chronic intervention from a specialist medical practitioner is required be it cardiology, medicine, gastroenterology, orthopaedic, gynaecology or oncologist is required. The problem arises when you have to wait for two hours to get an appointment with a specialist and he only spends 5 minutes to examine your case.

 The reality of modern times

·        Moreover some of them are pill pushers and bring patients in the habit of taking medicines in the form of capsules, repsules, and syrups. Initially they may recommend a very low dose but slowly then the dosage increases as the body gets habituated to the medicine.

·        The patient also slacks in exercise and thereafter the doses have to be increases leading to further financial burden. Nowadays, both public and private sector jobs are so hectic that people get very little time for exercise.

 How things degenerate!

·        Concerted efforts that are needed to get your body in shape, come only after you have a caring spouse who can monitor your exercise regimen. But sometimes both the husband and wife neglect their health in the rush to earn their daily bread and bring up the kids.

·        This leads to a spate of lifestyle diseases that include hypertension, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, and repeated skin diseases. Lack of exercises leads to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen for men and in women this fat gets concentrated in thighs and buttocks.

·        Obesity leads to poor self-image, depression, anxiety and a host of other problems. Obesity and more specifically the accumulation of fatty deposits around the liver are the root cause of many chronic ailments, where you will find yourself spending much of your hard-earned savings in paying the fees for doctors rather than enjoying life in the sunset years of your life.

How acupuncture changes everything?

The elimination of chronic diseases leads to increase in will power, confidence, stamina and one can execute more work in a limited amount of time. Being a painless, effortless method of treatment, it will surpass all-otter systems of medicine in the times to come. If you need proof, you can see the increasing number of Google search results that are pointing in this direction.

The best part about acupuncture is that it takes users to a different plane of thinking where you start believing in holistic healing. Acupuncture will bring you to a new way of  healing without capsules, tablets and injections that will be very beneficial in the  long run.

The less medicines you ingest and the more you rely on external systems, the better you will feel. Make a resolve that for the next few years you should be away from medical treatment of the allopath variety. Using a combination of various technologies like he-ne laser therapy, bekam therapy, catgut embedded therapy almost any ailment can be taken care of and the patient will be hale and hearty in a few months of treatments.

Book an appointment now:

Monday, 18 April 2016

Getting back to form was never so easy!

Yes, if you have experienced the rejuvenating power and effectiveness of acupuncture, then you will emerge as one of the biggest votaries of this system of medicine. Its healing power lies in its simplicity and the way it goes about treating the ailments of all those who patronize it. No pills, syrups, inhalers.injections to be administered and still the patient recover fully inspite of suffering from chronic illnesses. Whether you have a skeletal, nervous, or circulatory complication, you can be rest assured that you will come out fighting fit no matter what. This is the beauty of acupuncture, it relies on the natural energy reserves within the body to heal a person rather than going in for any external formulation that can cause weakness, nausea, headaches, apart from immense financial drain as allopathic medicines are very costly especially antibiotics.

 Techniques used in acupuncture

 Modern medicine has evolved with the help of technology and so has acupuncture and no longer is it dependent on wooden needles, it now uses stainless needles for treatment that are disposable and hence carry no risk of infection. Other major techniques that acupuncture has added to its arsenal include:

WHO approved therapy?

All over the world, acupuncture has acquired respectability for the treatment of lumbago or lower back pain that can acquire chronic proportions and may inhibit a person’s capacity to work hard both at home and in office. There is no permanent cure in allopath as the English system of medicine has not got a sound understanding of pain, fever even today and millions of man hours are lost every year due to viral fever but no cure has been found yet. Same goes for diabetes, vertigo, infertility; these are ailments whose cure causes immense financial drain to the patients with no immediate visible results. Acupuncture can bring a ray of hope for such women who are looking for a viable solution that can give them real results and not just promises of a brighter future.

Yes, this is something that very few people know that acupuncture is very effective for dealing with all the ailments related to post partum sickness that arise out of a strained or complicated delivery. These include lower back pain, piles, and anal fissures and there are certain women who often slip into depression after a delivery that makes them even more vulnerable to sleep loss, irritation and a prolonged cure for acupuncture is just what the doctor ordered for such patients.

Getting into the mindset for change and outgrowing previous habits is what is required in order to embrace acupuncture whole heartedly. If you believe in the doctor, then faith healing kicks in and you can really get cured fast. On the other hand, if there is no faith in the doctor, then healing becomes a problem that will reflect in the friction between a doctor and a patient which is not good in the long run for the health of the patient.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Get back to work faster with acupuncture!

Anybody who has fallen sick for a long time will tell you that the biggest casualty of any kind of prolonged illness is nothing but your reputation. The industry does not take kindly to illnesses and often many employees who are shirkers not workers use the illness excuse to shy away from work. Insurance only covers critical illnesses where hospitalization is three days or more. And this policy leaves out a lot of small illnesses and low grade fever, pains, discomfort, viral fever and other such illnesses that cause losses in millions of man-hours all across the world. But the worst sufferers are salaried folks who might even lose their jobs as their employers might not tolerate repeated illnesses.

 No quick –fix solutions

 Some doctors who practice the allopathic system of medicine are pill-pushers. But they in turn end up curing only the symptoms of the disease and not the root-cause. Every strong anti-biotic need to be supplanted with an anti—acid, multi-vitamin and pro-biotic capsules in order to ensure that there are no side-effects and this pushes up the cost of the treatment. Add to this the consultation fees, loss due to absence from work and you surely have a hole in your pocket. Such quick-fix solutions can only be called bad for your health but also bad for your finances.

Embrace acupuncture and experience complete peace of mind

 Yes, peace of mind is what everyone wants and acupuncture is surely going to help you achieve that as it is drug-less, harmless with no side-effects.       There are a lot of good acupuncture specialists in Delhi who know how to use technology to good effect in order to gain the maximum benefits of acupuncture. Not only do they use stainless steel needles, they also offer cures in cases where there is a blood clot or there is a skeletal injury that needs to be taken care of and antibiotic medication is not responding.

It is respected the world over

Since 1979, acupuncture has been declared as a safe system of medication for treatment of a vast number of circulatory, digestive, respiratory, reproductive ailments. The list of all these ailments has constantly been published from time to time on the website of acupuncture specialists. Research and academic work is going on for other diseases as acupuncture takes the leap from a primary health resource to a secondary or tertiary care therapy. There is still a long way to go as the best talent needs to come into this field from all other streams of medicine. Patient attitudes need to be changed and they need to be convert from allopath to acupuncture. Each converted patient will become the best brand ambassador for this system of medicine.

There is already a lot of literature on the web but more needs to be done in terms of developing portals for acupuncture, mobile apps that dispense handy information and break the staccato mindsets of people relying on me remedies, homeopathy, ayurveda and embrace acupuncture whole-heartedly and take the first step towards good health and happiness.

For more visit here : Acupuncture Treatment Delhi