
Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Embrace better health: Give Acupuncture a try!

There is an old saying that still holds true and it says that “Good health is real wealth” and those who have it also have the confidence that they can virtually do anything in the world. They can work in any shift and in any geography and in any profession that matches up to their skills. Good health is a blessing and it breeds confidence, progress and success throughout your life.

Why are we talking about acupuncture?

·        This is because traditional methods of curing diseases like allopath cause long term irreversible damage to the vital organs of the body. Heart and brain are two organs that are considered to very strong but other organs like liver, pancreas, abdomen, intestines, kidney’s are not that strong and are the first to be affected by stress.

·        In cases, where the patient and doctor are both alert enough to detect any abnormality in the body, then corrective measures can be taken but generally patient’s tend to postpone treatment, diagnostic tests, and surgery unless the discomfort becomes unbearable and are they are unable to work further.

·        And by this time, it is usually quite late. Allopathic medicines administered to patients usually have side effects like nausea, vomiting and headache but older people in the 60+ age group cannot digest strong doses of antibiotics. They usually get afflicted by diarrhoea, stomach discomfort after taking antibiotic medicines.

Adopt the safe route

Correct. Acupuncture is one such route that can offer safe passage from ill health to good health. By the use of disposable syringes, acupuncture specialists activate the energy centres of the body or chakras that are the store-house of energy. This has to be done in an accurate and precise manner over a long course of time. The acupuncture specialist in Delhi whom you patronize for your good health should have thorough knowledge about the ailment and the complications that accompany such ailments. Most acupuncture specialists are approached by patients who have injuries to the skeletal framework of the body be it bones, muscles, spine, and in some cases like varicose veins where there is consistent low-grade pain for many years.

Such chronic ailments are best cured by acupuncture therapy in Delhi that has a good medical infrastructure Overall transport system is good in delhi and the city has managed to attract the best medical talent in the country. Acupuncture as a science had its origins in China, Japan and it flowed downwards into South-East Asia. People in the Indian sub-continent have embraced other alternative therapies like Ayurveda, homeopathy, Reiki but acupuncture has been a hit amongst patients.

The high number of Google searches that are being conducted on search engines for acupuncture is ample proof of the fact that people inherently have strong faith in therapies that require zero administration of drugs. Since acupuncture as a therapy can be imparted externally, there are absolutely no side effects and it is completely safe for people of all age groups.

Read more about acupuncture on the web and you will know how it can create wonders for patients who have lost hope.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Acupuncture does it!

Indeed, the above statement quite rightly sums up the experience of millions of satisfied patients who have undergone acupuncture therapy and are now leading normal lives. After the nightmare of going through medical guesswork, costly pathological tests, in-patient admission charges and post discharge follow up expenses, they still are not back in form after a skeletal injury or an organ disease. For such patients, acupuncture is a boon or a shot in the arm that will help them lead normal lives. It is the best tool to quell co-dependency amongst family members who suffer equally when one person in the family goes through a terrible trauma in terms of injury, accident or addiction.

Paucity of Acupuncture Specialists

·        Yes, that is a harsh reality that we have to face. All over the world, there is a massive shortage of acupuncture specialists and the demand outstrips supply. With more and more people embracing alternative therapies, acupuncture is here to stay and is going to become even more popular.

·        Already people are withdrawing from allopathic medicines and pharmaceutical companies have been forced to increase prices and governments have retailed through drug price regulation acts for most common medications.

·        The net result is that pharma companies are now playing the volume game by offering complimentary foreign tours to specialist doctors and turning them into “pill pushers”. 

 Common man has zero knowledge of how his health is being managed

·        Instead of championing the virtues of proper, sleep, exercise, diet and companionship, doctors are now prescribing pills for every ailment. The problem with this approach is that gullible patients obediently follow what is written in the prescription considering the doctor as their guardian angel and fall into a vortex.

·        Medicines beget medicines meaning that the more medicines you ingest, the more the body craves for medication and a situation arises that the natural resilience of the body against diseases goes down. And that opens a Pandora box of ailments as the natural regenerative capacity of the body is impaired and the patient needs higher doses of medicines and the gamut of medicines also increases per day.

·        More reliance on antibiotics develops which leads to higher muscle mass, weight gain, drowsiness, depression, obesity and symptoms like  thyroid , hyper-tension are kick-started owing to drug induced weight gain.

 Acupuncture saves you from all this.

 It is a real saviour when it comes to skeletal, muscular, organ –damage, nervous or respiratory diseases which might have crippled your system.

·        By just pricking needles at the right spots which store a lot of energy that helps in the healing process, acupuncture actually makes healing less complicated.

·        With no medicines to be taken orally or intravenously, typical side-effects like  nausea, vomiting, headache, heart burn, fixed drug reactions can be eliminated, once and for all.  

·        No surgeries, incisions, or even placebos need to be administered and the patient begins to experience relief after the first consultation itself.

His belief in the system increases with each passing day and he recommends it to everyone around him. No wonder acupuncture enjoys such high word-of mouth publicity.  Try it once. You will like it for sure!